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Good Morning!

Oh, and what a morning! I’m soooo tired! I need to go to bed…but I needed to update here, first. I just added Page 17 of Dark Horse! So you can check it out!

I’m going to try to get Ooku: The Inner Chambers finished and reviewed soon. I will hopefully have it done within the week. If not, I apologize ahead of time! I wanted to get it out much sooner, but have been tied up with training/commissions/illness, and any other excuse you can think of (you wouldn’t really think it was possible, but it is.) I should be able to finish it this week and have something written up for it. Your patience is appreciated!

I have sketched out the RPG characters I am working on, and hope to scan some of the finished products soon! I might have a couple poses for the three different characters I’m working on for a client. So that’s something soon to come, as well.

Have a lovely day everyone! I’m getting ready to hit the hey!


The Blue Dragon

Posted in Newest Additions, Updates.

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