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Cool Costumes, 2011. Image Uno!

Okay, so I got started on this right away. I was just browsing “cool costumes,” on google and this popped out. I like it especially because I’ve done a lot of Dark Horse stuff that’s got Hindu imagery and stuff like that (not online yet, but it will be eventually.) Anyway, this is Seal and his wife, Heidi (who apparently does it all…acting, modeling, hosting, etc.) Fricking awesome costumes! Kudos to them!

This image is from this website. You might want to check it out.

Next time, I’ll try to find a picture that’s not of famous rich people–cause it’s easy for them to have cool costumes made. What about the rest of us? We get pretty creative, so we’ll see what else I can stumble upon.


Blue Dragon

Posted in Total Randomness.

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