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New Stuff

Hey there!

We’re slowly getting things moved to the new place, but we’re kinda at a stand still until we can get a friend to help move the large stuff. So I had all weekend to work on art! No, I didn’t screen tone the next page (bad! Bad!) but I did finish coloring my DnD character finally! Yay! And I drew pictures of a new character! One you haven’t seen yet, I don’t think. So I’m going to post them 😀

First off, we’ve got the lovely Myfanwy that I promised to show when finished:



Okay, this next one is that character you haven’t met.


I haven’t decided yet if he’s gay, or just an Action Transvestite*. His last name is Chen, so the others call him Chen when he’s dressing like a dude (which is not gonna be often…I think on occasion I will have him do so.) I left my notes at the new place…so I don’t have his female pseudonym, I think like Shu Fang, or something. I forgot his first name, too, cause I just did the research recently. Anyway, he’s Chinese American…I think I have him as like 2nd or 3rd generation, so no accent and I’m gonna say he can really only speak Chinese, doesn’t read it. I’ll get some critiques then color this image.

Second one of Chen:

Left: April 13, 2012. Right: 2007 sometime. I think I should have put the hearts in the first one up higher...Chen does not fart hearts.

This is one of those comparison drawings. I see them a lot on Deviant Art, so I thought I’d take an old drawing and redo it. I still need work, but I think it’s an improvement.

As the move progresses, I’ll hopefully have sometime to update the webcomic, but I gotta warn you guys that this summer I’ll be down in Springfield working…a lot…cause “we need the money,”** so I’ll not have Internet. I am going to try to come up every weekend, but gas is high so I’m not sure how that’s gonna work. I may have to go to a restaurant for free wi-fi 🙁 Or…I guess I could see about taking the train. Hm…I’ll worry about that later 😀

I plan on updating various parts of the website, so keep an eye out for new things 🙂


Blue Dragon
*Eddie Izzard:

**Franz Ferdinad

Just so you know…I don’t own these. Obviously. But enjoy! 🙂

Posted in Newest Additions, Total Randomness, Updates.

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