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Happy Halloween! Be Safe, Ya’ll!

So it’s Halloween! Hurray! So here’s an image in celebration. I’ve been working on this for a while. I need to think of a background for it…I’m not sure. I should at least put the floor in so there’s a reason her cheeks are flat 😀

Anyway, she’s going as a disco glam queen. I have no idea who she is. I doubt she’ll become a character in anything, since I can’t even get Dark Horse going fast (har har har.)

So anyway, I speaking of Dark Horse, the next page is up and running. I have updated the “contents” page, but not the “last” links at the bottom of the pages. I’ll get to that later, but I have a lot to do tonight, since we’ll probably have trick or treaters. I am really tired. So, I’m afraid I have to go.

Peace out.

The Blue Dragon

Posted in Newest Additions, The Miscellany, Updates.

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