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Been Sick all Week :*(

Well, I’ve been home sick for the majority of this week. I am starting to feel a little better…but I am so behind on everything! I plan to work on more art this weekend, and deliver three images to my friend for her commission. The following is one of those.


I am also very sad to hear that one of our Sci/Fi greats has passed away, Mr. Leonard Nemo. What a great guy, very funny, and he is a legend who will be missed :*(

Please also keep checking for weekly updates of Dark Horse; last week I had been productive enough to post two pages! So things are moving along nicely for the comic 🙂

I also welcome comments! Please let me know if you’re enjoying the story so far. I am trying to make it more involved from these early chapters, but I haven’t gotten my newer acts even sketched! I am all the way up to Act 11 if you’d believe it! But I have only just begun sketching Act 4!!!  Wow!

For fun a short while back, I did a “gender swap” for three of the main characters. I am sharing it with you here 😀

This was just a little fun forum challenge I decided to part take in 🙂

Hope to have more art soon! I also hope to feel better :*( Play the world’s tiniest fiddle for me.


~The Blue Dragon~


Posted in Updates.

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