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Hurray! Getting so Much Done!

Wow! I got a lot done Sunday and this morning. I finished drawing all of Volume 3! Yay! And I inked two pages of it. I also drew, inked, scanned, and colored the cover page for Volume 3 of Dark Horse! I am very proud of myself for doing so much work! Now I’ve got to get onto screen toning the next page in Volume 2 so I can post it, right? I shall do it! Yes! Total motivation!

Here’s the cover for Volume 3, though. It’s got Rhina this time. If you can’t tell, I like the color blue so yes, she is in blue again. In fact, blue is kind of her color because of her element, which is water/ice. That’ll come later. Enjoy the picture!


Volume 3 cover. I am not too sure about the green, but we'll go with it.


The Blue Dragon


Posted in Newest Additions, Updates.

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