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I am Sooooooooooo Sorry!!!!!

ARG! I am so sorry for being gone so long. I guess I posted a while back with my Sai Moe entry, but I just haven’t had the time or gumption to work on anything–though I have been working on scripts for up-coming Dark Horse Acts. And I have been drawing, just no posting.

However, I have a few things coming up. I posted page 16 of Act 2, and will be posting more regularly if all goes well. I had to redo  that one completely, as well as page 17. So they look a little different than the rest of the act.

I also have a few Web Shorts in mind. Here is an example of one I’ll be doing soon:

The character with Kanna hasn’t been introduced yet-she’s Ms. Karen Blue. Named and modeled after a friend I had in college. I have a couple friends who will make guests appearances–let’s hope they don’t sue!


I also would like to post this to the Gallery soon:

I will be fixing her legs, I think, before I color her. I also have a clothed version, so I can put it up at work 😀


Well, I shall be posting again! Again, please forgive the long delays! And thank you so much!

~The Blue Dragon~

Posted in Newest Additions, Updates.

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