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I Worked Double Time!

I did so much this weekend!  I inked a million pages! (okay, not a million) And I screentoned fifty! (well, more like two.) And I updated everything on the Dark Horse Comic site! (More like the Extras Page which is now Character Profiles, made all the character images–some were done, others I had to color, the banner/title, and….I added a couple pages.)

I intend to work hard over the week to start coloring the 10 commission pages I inked. Gah, I really did do a tone of inking combined with after work, and one day during my lunch hour (I forgot my lunch so I came home…and ate, then got to inking!) I am excited to get the rest of these colored and sent off on their happy way!

I inked the entirety of Act 3 (what I hadn’t done a year ago.) This was like, 18 pages or more. Wow! So, there’s only a couple (seriously, three or four) more pages of Act 2 to screentone, then we’ll be on our way to Act 3!!!! Very excited!

I am not updating Dark Horse 2 days a week! Wowza! You should all go check it out! The site is coming together quite nicely, and I have a 10 readers (well, subscribed readers) already! Please join, or check it out!

Okay, I have work tomorrow, so I must finish my tea and hit the hay! My herbal stuffs are kicking in already, and I’m starting to go cross eyed!

Here’s a colored Oisin for you all! I am very proud of how he turned out!

Oisin, The Irish/Scottish Brogue




Thanks for stopping by everyone!


~*The Blue Dragon*~

Posted in Updates.

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