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Lotus Sutra…Ginsberg Revisited?

Nah, just kidding. I got the title from Allen Ginsberg’s “Sunflower Sutra,” in his collection of poems from Howl. I always like that poem, though “America” is probably my favorite (over “Howl,” by far.) So this is one of those drawings that I did a long time ago, and decided to fix up and hopefully improve. I may redo it again sometime.

Here is the original, probably from 2005 or 2006:


I also re-drew one of Rhina and colored it:

I think I’ve made quite a few improvements, but still have more work to do. We can always improve, right?


Well, check out the new page from Dark Horse,  and have a nice evening everyone!

The Blue Dragon


Posted in The Miscellany, Updates.

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