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Neko Neko Kawai desu!

It’s done! I hate the background, but I’m out of time! Heh, I sound so pessimistic. But I’m glad it’s done 🙂 I’m happy how she turned out. Her name is Naomi Meuth (Mewth, ha ha, so clever, right? Not really.)

You can also find this one in the gallery. I'll keep you posted on how well I do in the contest!

I don’t know how well I’ll do in the contest, but I had a lot of fun drawing a Neko Girl. This is the first school girl outfit I’ve drawn (besides one or two Sailor Moon drawings I did when I was a kid.) I ‘m sure there’s some ways I can improve, but overall I am happy with her proportions and her stance. I was excited to tackle some new positions, like her sitting in the tree 🙂 Don’t think I’ve drawn anything like that before. Or, well, it’s a bit different than the Lady Gagaesque chick I started (hm…I need to finish her…*sigh* so much to do, so little time.)

Well, now I can focus my full attention towards the commissions I’ve been working on. I, of course, will post these when I’m done. I’m glad I was able to get some more art posted up here, since it had been a while.

Also, I’ve decided to join another DnD campaign, as well, and will be drawing a character for the NotEgypt group I’ve just joined 🙂 My character’s name is Fareed Samara, and he’s a merchant 🙂 I can’t wait to draw him!!! So excited!

Well, time to close for now. I need to get to sleep so I can go mushroom hunting tomorrow and still have time to sleep before work. Oh, and I guess I should call that number for the jury duty summons I got, right? Oh boy, can’t wait for that *sarcasm*

Jyaa mata!

The Blue Dragon

Posted in Newest Additions, The Miscellany, Updates.

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