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New Comic on the Way!

Hello good peoples 🙂

So, I know I’m being a little ambitious, but  in addition to working on Dark Horse and Devil May Take You, Brad Arnett and I are collaborating on a comic that’s going to be done in ink. It’s an idea he’s had bouncing around in his mind for a while, and I like his ideas, so we’re going to put it to put it paper.

Here’s a sneak peek at what The Whimper in the Dark is going to look like:

We’re debating on exactly how we want it to be, but as you can tell from my little notes, it’s a little inspired by Edward Gorey. 🙂 Obviously not nearly as well illustrated, bu we’re going to keep it mostly black and white (with a little color here and there.)


Once we get a couple strips into it, I’ll create a website for it to be viewed. Please keep an eye out for it! And, of course, it’ll be accessible for free!



I’ve been a bit sick, or I’d be much farther along. Also prodding at Brad to get me some script ideas 🙂


Cheers for now!


Ashleen Woods
Blue Dragon

Posted in The Whimper in the Dark.

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