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No Sleep til Brooklyn…

Pulled an all night job to get all the works for my final completed in time. I may post a few other images later on, but for now I’m just going to post my final series I’ve been working on. I intend to continue this series next semester 🙂

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It’s been intense this semester: this is just a small portion of what I’ve been working on. I have three pieces Billie had hung up. Our whole class had fantastic work, and they’ve a lot of work hanging in the building, too 🙂 I was very envious of many people’s talent.

I am hoping I will be able to work a bit on my comic this break, but I am going to keep working on other art, as well.

Winter is the time to listen to later/mid Depeche Mode. It’s a dark time…


I am tired, so I should get to sleep.

Good night!

Blue Dragon

Posted in Regular Art.

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