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Secret Santa Commission Done!

Wow! I am soooo tired! And I have a ton more to do and draw. *Phew* Keeping busy.

I apologize for not posting last week and not updating anything, but I was engrossed in finishing the Secret Santa request I got from Manga Tutorials (old site. New one here: Manga Tutorials.) I finally got it done, and so I will share it with whoever visits this site (I won’t post it or send it until Christmas Eve.)

Here they are, “hot glam couple” request:

Just click it to see a larger version. It took so much work! I drew the chick and dude separately, first (as you can tell from the picture I had posted earlier,) and then I worked on them together. Unfortunately, I couldn’t use the full graphic I made for the background–it would have been too cluttered and hard to see, with everything very colorful and competing with each other. So I just used their heads and base-relief-ed it 🙁 I will post the other graphic next time I write a message.

I will be creating a gallery soon, so I can put stuff like this up, and if you want to have your art posted, I can do that. Just drop me a line, anytime!

I was ultra busy last week with Christmas dinners, interviews (yay! I hope I get the job!) and drawing. But I hope to get around to posting that Ooku review this week. It’s just been a bit hectic around the holiday! I still have to croquet a scarf for my nephew! Yikes! The count-down is on! 🙂

I better get ready for bed–I need to be on a normal schedule in case I get ringed for a job! Wish me luck! I really want to work at Disc Replay, so I can pay bills, save up, and hopefully get a chance to think about getting a Masters Degree (I’ve been tossing the idea for a thesis around, but don’t have the time or resources to execute it :P). Can’t pay for college without a job, right?

Well, it’s always my pleasure to leave this little posts, so please keep reading! It makes me happy!

There is a new page up for Dark Horse, so can check it out! Thanks for being patient!

Jyaa mata!

The Blue Dragon

Posted in Newest Additions, The Miscellany, Updates.

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