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Sketch Dump!

Been working on a lot of commissions this month! Here’s a shot of what I’ve been up to. I have a commission for some T-Shirt Designs. These are just the brainstorm sketches–not the final product.

Also, for Christmas, I’ve got a few more paintings to do. Now I’m finished with my sister’s mermaid, I am making my two cousin’s requests. The first is for my elder cousin, Danielle. She wanted some kind of Mario Brothers scene, so here’s my favorite, Mario as a raccoony 🙂 The new orange hat in the Wii version isn’t nearly as cute as the raccoon tail–why did they change it? D: Still, it’s a fun game!


I had a lot of fun doing all of them! I’m going to try to get do painting tonight when I get off work. Next will be my other cousin’s request: A yellow submarine! But I intend to put a Warhol twist on it to match something Mom got her for Christmas 😉

I’m also in charge of Manga Tutorials’ Secret Santa this year. I won’t be doing stuffs for it this year, unless someone bails out, but I think it’s kinda nice to be responsible for something again! I miss my Veggie Club days! We scheduled all kinds of events, and being out of college has kinda left me out of the social loop. It may not be “reality,” but at least being part of the forum helps a bit with cyber-socialization 🙂

Well, I got work to do! When all’s said and done, I’ll be able to get back to the comic! Sorry for the delays!

The Blue Dragon


Posted in Total Randomness, Updates.

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