Woooow, I’ve been doing stuff, man! It feels so good to be able to draw again. I also scanned a bunch of Volume 2 Dark Horse pages, and came up with a new Web-Short (meme style…kinda. Well, it’s vertical, and it actually reads right to left this time.) And I’m working on writing up a review for Return to Labyrinth, Volume 3. I have to re-read it, though. Actually, I may have to re-read the whole thing (ugh, I can’t do the first one again…I’ll just see what I remember. I forgot Volume 2 down home. Darn, it wasn’t too bad.)
Here’s the comic. I know I already updated the web comic this week, but I may throw up the next page just for the heck of it. Uh, for kids, don’t read this comic. It’s got a semi-dirty word. Well, it’s not that dirty, but some people freak about anything, so maybe kids just shouldn’t read anything I write (I put up warnings in the comic areas!)
I added a page to the Web Comic section for old Web Shorts, so if you’re ever looking for an old one, it’ll be there. Hope you enjoy it! Have a great week! 🙂
The Blue Dragon
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