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Tapas, Anyone?

Mmmm…..tapas. With veggies.

Oh, I mean, hey everyone! I have been working super hard these past months to get a few things going! For one, I’ve just finished creating a Tapas Comic page for Dark Horse! I am currently uploading the Revamp of Act 1, so if you’re further along than that, by all means stick with the Comic Fury link 🙂 If you are new to Dark Horse, or prefer to read your comics on Tapas, then you can visit the new site by clicking here:




In other news, I’m also working on a Patreon, and a donate button for my sites.


I want to make one thing clear: Dark Horse will always be free online, and the addition of these to the site is to help me along with income. If you feel so inclined to donate, that would be amazing! If not, that’s perfectly fine: I am creating comics and art for myself, and to share with others. While I’d like to be able to make a living of this, just sharing the story with people is my real passion. At the same time, I wanted to make sure it was known I was working on these things, and I will more than likely make a post about it later on once they are ready to go!

One good thing that I personally like about the whole Patreon angle, is the addition of “rewards” for donation. What I like about it, is that it’s a great way for me to set goals, share more art, and certainly get more prolific with my art. It’s also a great way to share some extras with some great people who are kind enough, and financially able, to support the things they enjoy.

I’ve also been creating a lot of extra graphics and some T-shirts (not Dark Horse related shirts.) Once I get a couple of them ready to go, I may be adding them to the shop page. I know…I don’t have much there now. I’ve been using my time off from employment to create as much as I possibly can and provide some quality art and things that people may actually find fun. I still have a sticker page in the works (Dark Horse related,) and some digital prints I’m working on to add to the shop. I’m very excited to have the time to get some work done, and I hope it brings some enjoyment!


As always, thanks for reading, and take care!


~Blue Dragon~

Posted in Dark Horse Art, Newest Additions, Updates.

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